Posts tagged past2
MAKEUP DESIGN (Sarah Watson)

Learn the basics of stage makeup and be shown how to apply your own. Also, insider tips on how to assemble your own makeup kit without spending too much money. You will also be given examples of some specialty make (age, character, etc.)

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Lauren Groffpast2

Observe professional actors in a live audition setting, and get the chance to give feedback and learn from seeing firsthand how a director and actor might communicate in a professional setting. Great for those who want to work on their audition skills.

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Lauren Groffpast2
BEG/INT DANCE (Amy Meehan)

Learn an organized warmup and a combination from a Broadway musical. Great for dancers of all experience, and those who want to work on picking up dance combinations at a quicker pace. (Every dance class will be a different instructor/song!!)

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Lauren Groffpast2
INT/ADV DANCE (Katelyn Coryell)

Learn an organized warmup and a combination from a Broadway musical. Great for dancers of all experience, and those who want to work on picking up dance combinations at a quicker pace. (Every dance class will be a different instructor/song!!)

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Lauren Groffpast2
ACTING FOR THE CAMERA 101 (Adler Roberts)

Learn the basics of performing on camera, the difference and similarities to stage performing, terminology, and some exercises to make you comfortable when on a commercial/film set. Also learn resources and where to look locally for film work. Great for those looking to expand their skill set and explore the possibilities of working in film.

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Lauren Groffpast2

Learn tools, techniques, and insider tips on cold readings and callbacks, including what you should/shouldn't expect. Learn what a director will be looking for and expecting of you when you’re asked to come back into the audition room. Great for those who get nervous or don’t know what to do when called back and those who want to learn how to stand out among the rest.

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Lauren Groffpast2

Learn from a Broadway professional about good audition and networking habits, and insider tips on what directors might be looking for. You will learn how to approach getting work and shows, ways to improve your chances of getting the role/show, and what to do if you don’t. Great for those who have ever wondered why when the cast list came out.

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Lauren Groffpast2

Learn about the musical approach to storytelling in theatre, how composers communicate character progression and relationships through music, and what this means for performers. Great for performers, composers, lyricists, and any storyteller looking to deepen their understanding of the relationship between music and story.

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Lauren Groffpast2