A Broadway Melody (Part 2)

See your favorite Servant Stage performers in this unique series of "virtual" concerts!


It's Part Two of our month long special: A BROADWAY MELODY! Join us this week for highlights from the 1960s-70s as this talented cast takes us through a different era of Broadway history each week! Servant Stage will be here every Friday evening at 7pm with a brand new performance in our Living Room Concert Series (on Facebook, Youtube, and right here on this page!).

Over the next four weeks (August 7-28), the cast of A Broadway Melody will take a look at the songs and stories of the great musicals, singing through a different chapter of Broadway history each Friday evening! The concerts will be airing via Facebook, YouTube, and right here on our website every Friday night at 7:00pm EST. Spread the word and invite your friends to join us!

As always, your support is what makes these shows possible and the arts accessible to everyone in our community. Thank you for your continued support!

Cast: Brianna Brady, Brandon Cameron, Gabrielle Dina, Kelly Donah, Caleb Heckman, Kristin Hurdleston, Samantha Ingram, Geoff Morgan, Brad Myer, Andy Roberts, Aaron Pottenger, Briana VanVleet, Matthew Wilhelm, A. Scott Williams, Ric Zimmerman