Joe Sharick

Joe Sharick (Music Director) originally from Western Pennsylvania, currently lives with his wife,  Lauren (a local professional oboist), and two daughters in Holtwood. He received his BMUS in Piano Performance from Lancaster Bible College, and completed his MMUS in Piano Pedagogy from West Chester University in May of 2019. A professional accompanist and performer since 2012, he has worked collaboratively with a variety of vocal, instrumental, and theatrical organizations in Lancaster and the West Chester area, including Prima Theater, Servant Stage, Dutch Apple, and Opera Lancaster. Joe loves performing everything from classical solo repertoire to modern musical theater, as well as composing and contributing as a studio keyboardist with Orojin Music Group. His favorite music to enjoy is film scores (especially when Hans Zimmer is involved), anime scores,  and video game soundtracks. Basically, he's a big nerd.