Dick Lamborn

Richard “Dick” Lamborn, (Baron Elberfeld, Priest, Saengerbund Trio) husband to Diane for 51 years, is father to 4 grown children, and grandfather to 14 grandchildren. He graduated from Philadelphia College of Bible (now Cairn University) where he was a Pastoral Major, and played basketball, sang in various groups, including two years in a men's quartet representing the college at Churches and Bible conferences. He participated in musical productions and many skits, some serious but most were comedies. After Seminary, he served as a youth Pastor in three different churches. He was a basketball referee for 31 years and played softball. He became an umpire and continues to umpire.  For 19 years he sang baritone in a southern gospel style quartet called Harmony Quartet, in which he was MC and the preacher of the group. After being in the audience for many Servant Stage productions, he felt honored to be part of Ragtime as Grandfather and now to be part of the Sound of Music.

2Gretchen WebbCast