Lexi Fisher

Lexi Fisher (Nuns Ensemble, Party Guest, Fraulein Schweiger) is thrilled to perform in her first production with Servant Stage! Originally from Hanover, PA, Lexi now lives in Lancaster where she is living her dream serving as an administrative assistant and performer for Piercing Word Ministry. She has been blessed to be a part of many of their productions, including THE ONE STORY (Woman/Holy Spirit), STEWARDSHIP (Wisdom/Fool/Wise Person Swing), PASSION: THE MUSICAL (Woman), RUTH (Naomi), and more. Other credits include Mary Magdalene in BUT WE SEE JESUS and Lydia Vins in NO PLACE TO FLEE, both with the Academy of Arts Ministries. The Sound of Music has been one of her favorite musicals since childhood. It is her hope that you will be inspired to find the joy in every moment, and, like the von Trapp family, have the courage to hold fast to what is right, whatever the sacrifice or cost. Special thanks to her amazing family and friends who have never failed to encourage and support her. All for His glory!

1Gretchen WebbCast