Jessica Jean Brown

Jessica Jean Brown (Nuns Ensemble, Sister Sophia u/s) received her first musical role in 10th grade as Louisa/nun in The Sound of Music. Her favorite role was Christine in The Phantom of the Opera, and after graduating from Marywood University with a BA in Musical Theatre, she moved to NYC to pursue that, and gain 2nd callbacks. While there, she also worked at the famous Ellen's Stardust Diner of singing waitstaff on Broadway until an undiagnosed illness set in. While seeking answers, Jessica is preparing a YouTube channel of songs and Bible studies. She thanks God for saving her 5 years ago and placing her in this new community - with an opportunity to serve them and return to the stage - and hopes of one day working at Sight and Sound. She couldn't do any of this without Jesus and the support of her husband, family, and friends, and hopes they know how much they're loved. 

1Gretchen WebbCast