Colleen Amaya

Colleen Amaya (Elsa) is elated to make her Pennsylvania debut with Servant Stage in The Sound of Music! She has always dreamed of performing with her daughters, Sophia and Angelina, and feels blessed to share the stage with both of them in this beautiful classic! Colleen is an accomplished actress having starred in regional productions of Showboat, Guys and Dolls, 1776, and The Music Man, which earned her a Carbonell nomination for Best Actress in a Musical. She has performed with the Walt Disney World Company in many roles, most notably as a member of the critically acclaimed Voices of Liberty. Colleen is the founder of the Colleen Amaya Voice Studio- teaching proper & sustainable vocal technique to artists worldwide. She thanks her amazingly talented husband, Robert, for his unwavering love and support, and thanks God for the opportunity to share the arts with her family and the local community in Central PA.

1Gretchen WebbCast