May 22, 2019 | Servant Stage Company To Present "My Fair Lady"


“Servant Stage Company (SSC) will present the Broadway classic "My Fair Lady" at Millersville University's Winter Visual and Performing Arts Center, 60 W. Cottage Ave., Millersville, on select dates from Friday, May 31, through Saturday, June 15.

Lerner and Loewe's award-winning story of a Cockney flower seller transformed into an elegant lady is widely considered one of the greatest musicals of all time. When Professor Henry Higgins tries to teach Eliza Doolittle how to speak like a proper lady, an unlikely friendship begins to flourish. Notable songs from the musical include "I Could Have Danced All Night," "Wouldn't It Be Loverly," and "On the Street Where You Live."

Franklin & Marshall College theater production manager Bonnie Bosso is once again serving as the director; she previously directed "Sherlock Holmes" for SSC. Kendra Bigley is the musical director. Bigley won a Broadway World award for her musical direction of SSC's recent production of "Titanic." The two directors are excited to be working on this latest show.”

"'My Fair Lady' is such an iconic piece in the realm of musical theater, and, of course, many people have seen the movie. I feel humbled - and a bit awed - to work on it," Bosso remarked. "Our goal is to create a piece that fulfills the expectations of the audience while still bringing a freshness to it whenever we can…”

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