February 27 | VOICE with Colleen Amaya



Learn how to properly care for your voice including healthy warmups, exercises, and overall vocal health. A great class for all, including those who tend to get sick or lose their voices during a rehearsal process. You’ll learn about healthy and unhealthy habits for your voice, and ways you can strengthen or damage your voice.

Monday, February 27
6:00-8:00pm - Specialty Class
VOICE Ages 12+


Classes held at
Lancaster County Christian School,
2390 New Holland Pike, Lancaster.

Walk-ins are welcome, but registration is encouraged!


Colleen Amaya is the proud owner of the Colleen Amaya Voice Studio, teaching proper vocal  technique to students of all ages and aspirations across the globe for over twenty years. Her  academic accomplishments include a Bachelor of Music Degree in Vocal Performance from the  University of Miami where she eventually became Voice Faculty within the Department of  Theater Arts. She has trained students in all genres of music and has helped them go on to  prestigious conservatories, universities, professional companies, recording labels, film and  Broadway. Aside from her extensive teaching credits, Colleen is an accomplished actress  having entertained audiences in award-winning theaters throughout Florida. She has starred in regional productions of Showboat, Guys and Dolls, 1776, and The Music Man, which earned her  a Carbonell nomination for Best Actress in a Musical. She has also performed with the Walt  Disney World Company in many roles, most notably as a member of the critically acclaimed  Voices of Liberty. Colleen is passionate about the performing arts. She is grateful for the  opportunity to mentor and inspire students by helping them find their voice and reach their true  artistic potential. 

Lauren Groff