October 24 | DANCE with Autumn Phillips


Autumn Phillips

Theatre/movie jazz: This class will take students through a full body warmup that will focus on flexibility, isolations, and jazz technique. Students will then learn multiple musical-theatre style combinations that will explore choreographic styles based on multiple Broadway choreographers. A special emphasis will be placed in telling a story through dance/movement. After all, we are all actors first! Students will leave feeling ready to take to the stage with confidence.

Monday, October 24
6:00-7:00pm - Dance Drop In - Ages 16+
7:15-8:15pm - Dance Drop In - Ages 10-18*

*Students as young as 8 years old with some prior dance experience are welcome to attend. Some material may be too advanced for beginners younger than 10.


Classes held at
Lancaster County Christian School,
2390 New Holland Pike, Lancaster.

Walk-ins are welcome, but registration is encouraged!

About Autumn

Autumn Phillips holds a BA in Theatre from Franciscan University of Steubenville. She has been studying theatre and dance since she was three years old, and has trained with many notable companies and dancers throughout the Philadelphia and New York areas. She has a special interest in Fosse-style dance, and has studied with the VerdonFosse Legacy. Autumn also teaches ballet, tap, and jazz at Revival Productionsin Coatesville, PA, and has choreographed multiple high school and professional musical productions in the area as well. (Notable shows include Beauty and the Beast, Chess, and Chicago). She continues to perform on stage as well, with some recent favorite roles including the Wicked Witch in Shrek the Musical, and Belle/Janet in A Christmas Carol, and Elinor Dashwood in Sense and Sensibility.

Lauren Groff