Jessica Jean Brown

Jessica Jean Brown (Hodel - shared) eagerly continues the "tradition" of revisiting her high school musicals with this incredible company. Last year, she portrayed a nun in THE SOUND OF MUSIC, and this year she is delighted to reprise the role of Hodel. Despite facing health challenges over the 12 years in between, she studied Musical Theatre at Marywood University and then relocated to NYC, during which time she got married, performed on "Broadway" at Ellen's Stardust Diner, and "werked" with THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA company in pursuit of her dream role, Christine, which she'd played in HS and received 2nd callbacks for. Gaining answers and treatment over the past year fuels Jessica's hopes of creating more art, having deeper involvement in her online ministry, and starting a family. She thanks her husband and loved ones for their unwavering support, giving God the glory for these trials that led her to salvation in Christ. As someone once said, "the Fiddler represents survival in a life of uncertainty." With gratitude, Jessica toasts "L'chaim" Eternal, freely given through faith in Jesus Christ, as she seeks to live each day for Him and His Eternal Kingdom to come!  Follow along @JessicaJeanBrown.