David Givens

David Givens (Rabbi) is delighted to play the Rabbi in FIDDLER ON THE ROOF. After returning six years ago to Lancaster County where he grew up, David learned of this theater group. Since that introduction, he’s been a supporter of the organization. His granddaughter has been part of several summer camps. When Fiddler was announced, he decided to audition for this delightful musical and, to his surprise, was chosen to play the role of Rabbi. Having been a missionary, media manager, and photographer for SEND International and an English teacher in China, this is a new adventure for him. Except for a part in the musical CAROUSEL in high school, this is David’s first time acting in a major production. Now he can give his time and talent in addition to his finances to support Servant Stage. This show speaks so clearly to present day cross-cultural issues…tradition and prejudice!

Gretchen WebbRabbi