James Potts

James Potts (Lazar Wolf) is excited and honored for his stage debut with Servant Stage. A Lancaster native with a resonant baritone voice, boasts a diverse portfolio of performances. Noteworthy among his roles at Sight & Sound are portrayals of Noah, Lahab, Asphenas, and Caiaphas. In the realm of musical theatre he has memorable portrayals such as Tevye in FIDDLER ON THE ROOF, Arvide in GUYS AND DOLLS, and Hethersett in ME AND MY GIRL. Other productions include shows at American Music Theatre, Pajama Game, Barnum, Colors. His vocals can be heard on cast recordings from shows at American Music Theatre. Additionally, James has demonstrated his versatility in opera, embodying characters like Henry in Street Scene and Kaspar in AMAHL AND THE NIGHT VISITORS, ensemble in LE NOZZE DI FIGARO, L’Enfant et LES SORTIGELES. With a BFA in voice performance from Carnegie Mellon University he has seamlessly blended his musical talents with spiritual expression as a worship leader in diverse church settings. Embracing the invaluable support that has shaped his artistic journey, James eagerly anticipates captivating audiences with his artistry.