Isaiah Byers

Isaiah Byers (Ensemble) is excited to be in Servant Stage’s production, FIDDLER ON THE ROOF! He’s 15 years old and is a 9th grade homeschooler. He’s been taking guitar lessons for 6 years and danced at Adagio Dance Academy for 7 years! Isaiah is enjoying Jr. Company with Servant Stage and playing guitar on Pursuit Church and ECC worship teams. Some of Isaiah’s favorite productions have been GREASE, YOUTH & TEEN (Susquehanna Stage), SEUSSICAL JR. (Servant Stage), LION KING JR. (Servant Stage), NEWSIES (Servant Stage) and CINDERELLA (Adagio). Things you can find Isaiah doing are rocking on his guitar, skateboarding, acting like a comedian, carpentry, and being creative with his inventions. Isaiah would like to thank Servant Stage, his 6 siblings and his wonderful parents for all their love and support! “The LORD, who makes a way in the sea and a path through the mighty waters.” Isaiah 43:16.

1Gretchen WebbEnsemble