Emily House

Emily House (Ensemble) is thrilled to be performing in FIDDLER ON THE ROOF, one of her all-time favorite musicals! Emily loves working and performing alongside her husband, Aaron House, in Piercing Word ministry. Some of her favorite performances she has been involved with include THE ONE STORY, SERMON ON THE MOUNT: THE MUSICAL, and RUTH. She is co-author of Warriors of the Word: The Bible Memorization Battle Guide For Winning Spiritual Victories. Emily loves sharing her testimony and speaking on how to become a Warrior of the Word at church services and women’s events. She was an Assistant Director of DRAMA Ministry in Lancaster, Pennsylvania and attended Elim Bible Institute. She homemakes and homeschools in Akron, with her darling husband and their four (almost five!) beautiful, rambunctious children: Caleb, Aria Joy, Malakai, and Jireh. They are members of Dove Westgate Church in Ephrata.

2Gretchen WebbEnsemble