Trevail Maurice

Trevail Maurice (Assistant Director) is an Actor, Singer, Dancer, Writer, Director from Youngstown, Ohio who recently relocated to Lancaster. Trevail is excited to be assisting his long time mentor and best friend Joshua William Green. He has participated in numerous theatrical productions and worked with Disney and Netflix. Credits: THE WIZARD OF OZ (Tin Man), ROBIN HOOD (King Richard), THE WIZ (Tin Man/Scarecrow U/S) with Fulton Theatre; THE COLOR PURPLE (Preacher/Ol’ Mister) with EPAC; THE COLOR PURPLE (Director/Ol’ Mister) with Deyor Performing Arts Center; THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME (Director/Saint Aphrodisius), DREAMGIRLS (Director), GRAND NIGHT FOR SINGING (Male Lead), PIPPIN (Ensemble), CAROLINE OR CHANGE (The Dryer), HAIRSPRAY (Gilbert), MARY POPPINS (Neleus), THE COLORED MUSEUM (Mama), and CATS (Pouncival) with Youngstown Playhouse; ROMEO AND JULIET (Tybalt) with The Victorian Players; THE LITTLE MERMAID (Chef Louis) with Millennial Theater Company; SMOKEY JOE’S CAFE (Frank) with Top Hat Productions. “Thank you Servant Stage family for this amazing opportunity. This experience has reminded me that ‘The best part of adventure is the people you meet.’”